policy and standards
Our mission
the mission of logline is to provide opinion based commentary on media, entertainment, pop-culture, and politics, through the eyes of gen z. our goal is to make sure the gen z voice is heard globally.
Ethics policy
we are new to this. so we are learning as we go and our policies are meant to guide us as we provide opinions and information on media, entertainment, pop-culture, and, occasionally, politics. these guidelines are fluid and we will continually modify and update based on feedback from our staff writers, readers, and from our of our own evolution as a publication.
Opinion and Analysis
our reviews and lenz pieces are of the opinions of our writers and may not reflect the opinions of everyone at logline media. when it comes to articles referencing previously reported news and/or data, we do our best to fact-check and we source all referenced materials. ultimately, we are providing our interpretation of the news and data that may be referenced in the piece.
Reviews are our assessment of a service, product, performance, or artistic or literary work.
Social Media
we understand that social media accounts maintained by logline editors and staff writers reflect the reputation and credibility of logline media. even as we express ourselves in more personal and informal ways to better connect with our readers, we must be ever mindful of preserving the reputation of logline media. every comment or link we share should be considered public information, regardless of privacy settings.
logline writers must refrain from writing, tweeting or posting anything – including photographs or video – that could objectively be perceived as reflecting political, racial, sexist, religious or other bias or favoritism.
Verification and fact-checking standards
logline writers have the primary responsibility for reporting, writing, and fact-checking their lenz pieces. pieces are subject to review by one or more editors.
Diversity policy
diversity is at the core of logline media. providing reviews and recommendations and thought-pieces on content from the United States and around the world means engaging a variety of voices as interviewees and first-person writers, striving for a staff that reflects a range of backgrounds and life experiences, and seeking feedback from all who would give it.
Corrections policy
we know we make mistakes - we’re teenagers! therefore we strive to open and accept any corrections needed to be made on our pieces should someone request or bring it to our attention. when we run a correction, clarification or editor’s note, our goal is to tell readers, as clearly and quickly as possible, what was wrong and what is correct.
Editor’s Notes
a correction that calls into question the entire substance of an article, raises a significant ethical matter or addresses whether an article did not meet our standards, may require an editor’s note and be followed by an explanation of what is at issue. a senior editor must approve the addition of an editor’s note to a story.
Other Corrections Policies
When an error is found by a reader and posted to the comment stream, the audience engagement team should indicate in comments that it has been corrected.
When we publish erroneous information on social networks, we should correct it on that platform.
We do not attribute blame to individual writers or editors (e.g. “because of a reporting error” or “because of an editing error”). But we may note that an error was the result of a production problem or because incorrect information came to us from a trusted source (wire services, individuals quoted, etc.).
Ownership structure
logline media is owned by sophia fineza, the co-founder and editor-in-chief. logline was launched in april 2020.