In 1936, Jesse Owens achieved international acclaim by winning four gold medals during the Berlin Olympics. This historical event might not have taken place if the patriarch of the Armitage family had beaten Owens. Thus, Jesse Owens was the catalyst for the Armitage family business and the back story of Get Out. I’ll refrain from revealing any more plot points in an effort not to spoil the movie, but if you haven’t seen Get Out, YOU MUST! This movie is perfect for our current social climate which has called out those abstaining from taking a stand against injustice.
The Armitage family is the paragon of the white, upper class, suburban,”woke” liberals, who pride themselves on not seeing race or color.
They are very nice at first glance and seem like the kind of people who would say “I would vote for Obama for a third term if I could.” The first act of Get Out seems like “Guess Who’s Coming To Dinner” combined with “Meet The Parents” but it soon unravels into something never quite seen before. This is where the genius of Jordan Peele comes through. Everything that happens in the movie from the dialogue, the music, and the direction is so intricately planned that you will definitely miss something the first time watching it. This movie highlights that we all have subtle racial biases, even behind the most accepting facade. And we can’t sit idly by as other people are being discriminated against. Just as in 1936, when Jesse Owens ran the 100 meter in front of Hitler in Nazi Germany, we can stand up to the people who seek to oppress us. Just remember, nice is different than good.