logline: In the origin story of popular teenage witch Sabrina Spellman, she struggles between her mortal life and magical life. As her 16th birthday approaches, she must make a decision that could change everything. Will Sabrina stay with her friends and boyfriend at Baxter High? Or will she leave them behind to sign her name in the Book of the Beast and become a full witch?
My favorite characters:
Chance Perdomo as Ambrose Spellman - adorable. you’d never guess that he used to be a #badboy. he was really cool and funny, and his character was definitely one of the best parts of the show.
Tati Gabrielle as Prudence - she rly said baddie huh?? prudence really gave ZERO f*cks in this show. I love her style and her sass. Her comebacks (all magic/witch themed, of course) are one of my favorite parts of the show.
This show is rated TV-14. Here’s why:
Something I liked: the overall color scheme of this show is REALLY pretty. The white, black, and just a little bit of red added a lot to some of the scenes, (I won’t talk about them due to spoilers). If you give this show a try, it’s so aesthetically pleasing, which is great to watch.
Where to Watch:
Number of Seasons: 3